Collaborative divorce represents an approach to divorce for couples looking to end their marriage by negotiating a mutually acceptable settlement without having courts decide the outcome. Collaborative Practice professionals, serving the Kansas City area, are specially trained to work with you through the collaborative process.
The collaborative process is especially helpful for separated parents learning to work together in the best interest of their children. This process strives for creative problem solving, win-win negotiations, and resolutions that meet the needs of all members of your family. Collaborative Practice provides more satisfaction for divorcing couples and better results for children so you are less likely to go to court in the future.
The Collaborative Process
The collaborative process is a holistic approach to divorce. Throughout the collaborative process, each spouse receives individual legal guidance and advice from their legal counsel and that of neutral professionals who support the team effort in developing creative solutions. Together, the Collaborative Practice professionals leverage the collaborative process to work with you and reach a settlement agreement that works for both parties.
The collaborative dispute-resolution process is based on a pledge in which you, your spouse, and your attorneys contractually agree that the attorneys will not go to court, except to finalize the divorce. You and your spouse are always directly involved in the process and retain control over your own outcome.
The process of a collaborative divorce provides a forum for open communication, planning, settling disputes through problem-solving, and working with a team to develop creative solutions. Collaborative Practice enables participants to have control of decision-making within the divorce with the support of a professional team.
Advantages Of Collaborative Divorce
The collaborative process has the advantage of much more predictable and often significantly lower costs than contested divorce. Both spouses still have their own lawyers working on their behalf, but utilizing a team consisting of collaboratively trained attorneys, a financial advisor, and a divorce coach eliminates duplicate expenses rather than each party hiring individual professionals as needed.
Divorce is a very emotional event. Naturally, those emotions sometimes show up in the process. Your collaborative team can help spouses manage those emotions and keep the meeting discussions respectful. When respect is given and received, discussions are likely to be more productive and an agreement reached more easily, limiting financial costs as well as stress and time.
Research shows that one of the best predictors of a positive collaborative process and outcome is the selection by divorcing spouses of Collaborative Professionals who respect each other and who have successful track records of settling cases together, working together effectively and efficiently to help you reach creative, respectful and thoughtful solutions. Members of the Collaborative Practice Kansas City meet the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals (IACP) standards for practice excellence.
For more information about collaborative divorce and to learn if it’s right for you and your family, contact a Collaborative Practice team member at 913-380-2560 or click here.