collaborative attorneys

In a collaborative process divorce, a win-win process is encouraged where both parties pledge to not go to court (except to finalize the divorce).

Collaborative Process Divorce Hallmarks and Principles

October 12, 2022

In a collaborative process divorce, a win-win process is encouraged where both parties pledge to not go to court (except to finalize the divorce). This process allows for more creative…

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Collaborative divorce enables developing creative, thoughtful, and enduring solutions to the difficulties inherent in divorce.

Collaborative Divorce Provides Creative Solutions

August 24, 2022

Collaborative divorce enables developing creative, thoughtful, and enduring solutions to the difficulties inherent in divorce. It may seem as though the only divorce options are adversarial and extremely costly financially…

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With additional training in Collaborative Law, its methodologies, and application techniques, our professionals are Educators, Coaches, Advisors, and, most importantly, your committed professional teammates through the divorce process.

Collaborative Law Attorneys Are Trained In Principles Of Collaboration

June 8, 2022

Collaborative Law is a form of law practice conducted by attorneys trained in principles of collaboration. The attorneys make a commitment with their limited-scope clients to problem-solve and negotiate in…

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The collaborative process removes the element of litigation and allows divorcing couples to settle their cases respectfully, transparently, and privately.

The Collaborative Process Flow

May 11, 2022

The collaborative process removes the element of litigation and allows divorcing couples to settle their cases respectfully, transparently, and privately. Unlike a contested divorce, the Collaborative Practice dispute-resolution process is…

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When you are deciding how to get a divorce in Kansas City, we are here to help.

How To Get A Divorce In Kansas City: Focus On Collaborative Divorce

April 13, 2022

How to get a divorce in Kansas City may feel like an overwhelming prospect. It can seem as though the only options are adversarial and costly, both financially and in…

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When you are choosing how to get a divorce in Kansas City, Collaborative Practice Kansas City, LLC is here to help.

How To Get A Divorce In Kansas City: The Collaborative Approach

January 12, 2022

Learning how to get a divorce in Kansas City, at first it may feel as though you are limited to adversarial options. Traditional divorce can be extremely costly financially as…

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When you are choosing how to get a divorce in Kansas City, Collaborative Practice Kansas City, LLC is here to help.

How To Get A Divorce In Kansas City In 2021

August 25, 2021

When you’re wondering how to get a divorce in Kansas City, it may seem as though you are limited to options that are adversarial and extremely costly financially as well…

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When considering divorce process options, you may also want to consider timing.

Divorce Process Options: Should You File For A Divorce Now Or Later?

July 28, 2021

When considering divorce process options, you may also want to consider timing. The unique challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic – shutdowns, layoffs, childcare challenges, slowdowns, and shortages –…

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Collaborative divorce is a unique alternative to the traditional adversarial divorce court process.

Collaborative Divorce Allows You To Stay Out Of Court

July 14, 2021

Collaborative divorce is a unique alternative to the traditional adversarial divorce court process. It is designed to provide maximum support and resources for divorcing couples in reaching a mutually acceptable…

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The collaborative process is an alternative to traditional contested divorce that removes the element of litigation and settles cases respectfully, transparently and privately.

What Is A Collaborative Process Divorce?

May 12, 2021

The collaborative process is an alternative to traditional contested divorce that removes the element of litigation and settles cases respectfully, transparently and privately. Unlike a contested divorce, the Collaborative Practice…

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