collaborative divorce Liberty Mo

Collaborative divorce enables developing creative, thoughtful, and enduring solutions to the difficulties inherent in divorce.

Collaborative Divorce Provides Creative Solutions

August 24, 2022

Collaborative divorce enables developing creative, thoughtful, and enduring solutions to the difficulties inherent in divorce. It may seem as though the only divorce options are adversarial and extremely costly financially…

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Contested Divorce is often adversarial, which is why you may want to explore collaborative divorce as an option.

Contested Divorce Makes Resolution Difficult

August 10, 2022

Contested Divorce is often adversarial, which is why you may want to explore collaborative divorce as an option. The traditional divorce process, also known as litigation divorce, is often mired with fear,…

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Collaborative divorce is an alternative process that removes the element of litigation and settles cases respectfully, transparently, and privately.

Collaborative Divorce: What Is It?

July 27, 2022

Collaborative divorce is an alternative process that removes the element of litigation and settles cases respectfully, transparently, and privately. Unlike a contested divorce, the Collaborative Practice dispute-resolution process is based…

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Together, the Collaborative Practice team assists you and your spouse in solving how to get a divorce and reach a settlement agreement. 

How To Get A Divorce That Is Mutually Beneficial

June 22, 2022

When you are deciding how to get a divorce, it may feel as though you are limited to options that are adversarial and extremely costly and traumatic for your family.…

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With additional training in Collaborative Law, its methodologies, and application techniques, our professionals are Educators, Coaches, Advisors, and, most importantly, your committed professional teammates through the divorce process.

Collaborative Law Attorneys Are Trained In Principles Of Collaboration

June 8, 2022

Collaborative Law is a form of law practice conducted by attorneys trained in principles of collaboration. The attorneys make a commitment with their limited-scope clients to problem-solve and negotiate in…

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Collaborative divorce is designed to provide maximum support and resources for you and your family in reaching a mutually acceptable resolution of all the issues associated with a divorce and the resulting life changes.

Collaborative Divorce Is Less Stressful

May 25, 2022

Collaborative divorce is designed to provide maximum support and resources for you and your family in reaching a mutually acceptable resolution of all the issues associated with a divorce and…

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Divorce process options in Kansas City include two excellent ways to get a divorce without going to court.

Divorce Process Options In Kansas City: Can You Get A Divorce Without Going To Court?

December 22, 2021

Divorce process options in Kansas City include two excellent ways to get a divorce without going to court. Divorce mediation and collaborative divorce offer a valuable alternative to contested divorce,…

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