divorce options Kansas City

When considering your divorce process options, if expenses are a primary concern, a collaborative divorce may be ideal.

Divorce Process Options To Save On Divorce Expenses

April 28, 2021

When considering your divorce process options, if expenses are a primary concern, a collaborative divorce may be ideal. A collaborative divorce is an affordable alternative to financially and emotionally costly…

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When you are choosing how to get a divorce, Collaborative Practice Kansas City, LLC is here to help.

Wondering How To Get A Divorce Using The Collaborative Process?

March 10, 2021

If you are wondering how to get a divorce, it may feel as though you are confined to options that are adversarial and costly, both financially and in terms of…

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When deliberating on divorce process options, one of the most important things to consider is how your attorneys will approach reaching your settlement.

Divorce Process Options: Advantages Of Collaborative Attorneys

January 27, 2021

When deliberating on divorce process options, one of the most important things to consider is how your attorneys will approach reaching your settlement. In a traditional litigated divorce, the attorneys…

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For couples wondering how to get a divorce, it often feels as though the only options are adversarial and extremely costly financially as well as in terms of time and energy.

How To Get A Divorce That Is Creative Rather Than Destructive

December 23, 2020

For couples wondering how to get a divorce, it often feels as though the only options are adversarial and extremely costly financially as well as in terms of time and…

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Evaluating your divorce process options is an important step when you are considering divorce.

Divorce Process Options: The Pros And Cons Of Each

November 11, 2020

Evaluating your divorce process options is an important step when you are considering divorce. Collaborative Practice Kansas City, with offices serving the entire Kansas City area, is here to help.…

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