creative divorce

Collaborative Divorce Collaborative Practice KC Transforming Divorce Conflict Into Teamwork AdobeStock_413832592

Collaborative Divorce: Transforming Divorce Conflict Into Teamwork

June 26, 2024

Collaborative divorce offers a transformative approach to ending a marriage. Divorce often conjures images of courtroom battles, bitter disputes, and strained relationships. However, not all divorces need to follow this…

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Collaborative Divorce Collaborative Practice KC Same as Mediation

Is Collaborative Divorce the same as Mediation?

February 28, 2024

Collaborative Divorce and Mediation are two popular alternatives that share common goals of reducing conflict and fostering cooperation. However, the distinctions between Collaborative Divorce and Mediation are significant. Let’s highlight…

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Collaborative Divorce, Collaborative Practice Kansas City, Choose over Litiigation

Choosing Collaborative Divorce Over Divorce Litigation: A Peaceful Path to Resolution

October 25, 2023

    Choosing between collaborative divorce and divorce litigation is a significant decision that will impact the outcome of your divorce and the future of your post-divorce relationships. While litigation…

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Collaborative Divorce, Collaborative Practice Kansas City, Restart

Collaborative Divorce: A Cost-Effective Path to a Restart

August 23, 2023

While divorce is rarely easy, collaborative divorce offers a cost-effective and less opposing alternative to traditional legal action. By focusing on communication, problem-solving, and mutual respect, couples can navigate the…

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Collaborative Divorce – How Does Collaborative Divorce Work?

February 22, 2023

Collaborative Divorce is an alternative to traditional contested or adversarial divorce that settles cases respectfully, transparently and privately. Many couples still have questions about how the collaborative divorce process works,…

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Divorce Process Options – How To Choose the Right One

February 8, 2023

When considering your divorce process options, it can feel overwhelming or confusing. Collaborative Practice Kansas City explains your divorce process options and how to choose the right one for your…

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Collaborative Divorce – How it Will Save You Money

January 25, 2023

Collaborative Divorce is an alternative to traditional divorce in the Greater Metropolitan Kansas City Area that can save you money and emotional stress when compared to traditional litigation. The collaborative…

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How the Collaborative Process is Changing Divorce for the Better

January 11, 2023

Collaborative Process or collaborative divorce is changing divorce for the better in Kansas City. Collaborative Practice of Kansas City is a network of divorce attorneys, financial analysts and mental health professionals…

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Choose Collaborative Divorce When Your Marriage Ends – Top 7 Reasons

December 28, 2022

Choosing Collaborative Divorce when you marriage ends is a no-brainer for many people who use Collaborative Practice Kansas City.  You’ll see why  after reading our top 7 reasons to choose…

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How To Get a Divorce: Collaborative Divorce is a Trending Option

December 14, 2022

“How to get a divorce?” you may ask. Collaborative Practice Kansas City is here to answer those questions and more.  We believe that a contested divorce through litigation is not…

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