creative divorce

Collaborative divorce and the Collaborative Process is a different approach to divorce that focuses on troubleshooting and solving problems.

Collaborative Divorce Focus Is On Problem-Solving

October 26, 2022

Collaborative divorce and the Collaborative Process is a different approach to divorce that focuses on troubleshooting and solving problems. It is ideal for couples looking to end their marriage by…

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We help divorce evolve from a destructive into a creative process by showing clients how to get a divorce using the collaborative process.

How To Get A Divorce The Kinder, Gentler Way

September 14, 2022

When you are learning how to get a divorce, it may feel as though the only options are adversarial and costly, both financially and in terms of time and energy.…

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Collaborative divorce enables developing creative, thoughtful, and enduring solutions to the difficulties inherent in divorce.

Collaborative Divorce Provides Creative Solutions

August 24, 2022

Collaborative divorce enables developing creative, thoughtful, and enduring solutions to the difficulties inherent in divorce. It may seem as though the only divorce options are adversarial and extremely costly financially…

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The collaborative process removes the element of litigation and allows divorcing couples to settle their cases respectfully, transparently, and privately.

The Collaborative Process Flow

May 11, 2022

The collaborative process removes the element of litigation and allows divorcing couples to settle their cases respectfully, transparently, and privately. Unlike a contested divorce, the Collaborative Practice dispute-resolution process is…

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Collaborative divorce represents an approach to divorce for couples looking to end their marriage by negotiating a mutually acceptable settlement without having courts decide the outcome.

Collaborative Divorce Strives For A Win-Win

February 23, 2022

Collaborative divorce represents an approach to divorce for couples looking to end their marriage by negotiating a mutually acceptable settlement without having courts decide the outcome. Collaborative Practice professionals, serving…

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When you are choosing how to get a divorce in Kansas City, Collaborative Practice Kansas City, LLC is here to help.

How To Get A Divorce In Kansas City In 2021

August 25, 2021

When you’re wondering how to get a divorce in Kansas City, it may seem as though you are limited to options that are adversarial and extremely costly financially as well…

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When considering divorce process options, you may also want to consider timing.

Divorce Process Options: Should You File For A Divorce Now Or Later?

July 28, 2021

When considering divorce process options, you may also want to consider timing. The unique challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic – shutdowns, layoffs, childcare challenges, slowdowns, and shortages –…

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When considering your divorce process options, if expenses are a primary concern, a collaborative divorce may be ideal.

Divorce Process Options To Save On Divorce Expenses

April 28, 2021

When considering your divorce process options, if expenses are a primary concern, a collaborative divorce may be ideal. A collaborative divorce is an affordable alternative to financially and emotionally costly…

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Collaborative divorce represents an approach to divorce for couples looking to end their marriage by negotiating a mutually acceptable settlement without having courts decide the outcome.

Does collaborative divorce work?

April 14, 2021

Collaborative divorce represents an approach to divorce for couples looking to end their marriage by negotiating a mutually acceptable settlement without having courts decide the outcome. Contested divorce, the traditional…

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When you are choosing how to get a divorce, Collaborative Practice Kansas City, LLC is here to help.

Wondering How To Get A Divorce Using The Collaborative Process?

March 10, 2021

If you are wondering how to get a divorce, it may feel as though you are confined to options that are adversarial and costly, both financially and in terms of…

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